Monday, March 16, 2009

Quite often I get calls to do wheels. I do not do wheels because they require a specific anode fixture that is designed for each wheel configuration. There are places that specialize in doing wheels. They may do as many as 10,000 wheels a month and have large automatic lines for stripping, polishing and plating wheels. It would not be practical for us to try and compete with their assembly line operations.
Our specialty is doing custom designed parts and restoration of non replaceable parts. I get customers who come in and ask why we charge more than some other platers.
When you want the best you have to pay for it. We put more effort into our polishing making sure to get out all the flaws and grinding marks that can possibly be gotten out. We may have to copper plate a part several times mush buffing it between each copper plating. Every time we copper plate a part it is in the copper plating tank for several hours. Some parts need to be soldered and copper plated repeatedly to repair flaws and cracks. Particularly when working with pot metal. The low temperature rods and fluxes for this type of work is very expensive.
All this adds up to more time and expense. But it is the only way to make the parts look good.
I am currently working on a rotted out window frame and very corroded pot metal trim parts. When I am done I will be posting the before, during and after pictures of them.